Proportional symbol mapping is probably the second most fun project of the semester right behind the GPS unit, since it involves actually working inside the classroom. By taking all of the previous knowledge we gained from earlier in the class, we were expected to make a map that represented percentages in relation to one another. In my example I gathered the data for total debt by every state in America in order to show which states had the most to pay up. The largest circles explain vividly that those states were in a lot of debt which can also be divided up into the responsibility per person/population. Shape, scale, color scheme, direction, and calculations were all crucial in this map to effectively relay the desired message of the cartographer. I simply took the largest and smallest pieces of data and made them into certain size circles, then one by one made other circles a certain percentage of the largest and placed them over each corresponding state. Last but not least the implementation of a legend and north arrow are also very important to help the reader be able to understand the map. The legend explains the category ranges in which were used, while the nort

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    Dylan Schindler

    This site is dedicated to all of my projects and what I learned throughout my semester of Geography 200 at UWEC in fall on 2013.


    December 2013

